Name | Settable? | Values |
System Properties |
MaxDisplayWidth | | (integer of the maximum display width) |
MaxDisplayHeight | | (integer of the maximum display height) |
Application Properties |
AppType | | DataEntry, Batch, Tabulation |
AutoAdvanceOnSelection *M | ✔ | Yes, No |
AutoPartialSaveMinutes | ✔ | (integer of the interval) |
CAPI | | Yes, No |
CaseTree | | Always, Desktop, Mobile, Never |
CenterForms *D | | Yes, No |
ComboBoxShowOnlyDiscreteValues | ✔ | Yes, No |
CreateListing | | Yes, No |
CreateLog | | Yes, No |
DecimalComma *D | | Yes, No |
DisplayCodesAlongsideLabels *M | ✔ | Yes, No |
NotesDeleteOtherOperators | ✔ | Yes, No |
NotesEditOtherOperators | ✔ | Yes, No |
OperatorID | | Yes, No |
ParadataCollection | | AllEvents, SomeEvents, No |
ParadataDeviceStateMinutes | ✔ | (integer of the interval) |
ParadataGpsLocationMinutes | ✔ | (integer of the interval) |
ParadataRecordCoordinates | ✔ | Yes, No |
ParadataRecordIteratorLoadCases | ✔ | Yes, No |
ParadataRecordValues | ✔ | Yes, No |
PartialSave | ✔ | Yes, No |
Path | | Yes (system controlled), No (operator controlled) |
ShowEndCaseDialog | ✔ | Yes, No |
ShowErrorMessageNumbers *M | ✔ | Yes, No |
ShowFieldLabels *M | | Yes, No |
ShowLabelsInCaseTree *M | ✔ | Yes, No |
ShowNavigationControls *M | ✔ | Yes, No |
ShowRefusals | ✔ | Yes, No |
ShowSkippedFields*M | ✔ | Yes, No |
SpecialValuesZero | ✔ | Yes, No |
UpdateSaveArrayFile | ✔ | Yes, No |
ValidateAlphaFields | ✔ | Yes, No |
WindowTitle | ✔ | (string of the window title) |
Item Properties |
DataType | | Alpha, Numeric, Audio, Document, Geometry, Image |
Decimal | | (integer) |
DecimalChar | | Yes, No |
Len | | (integer) |
ZeroFill | | Yes, No |
Field Properties |
AllowMultiLine | | Yes, No |
AlwaysVisualValue | ✔ | Yes, No |
AutoIncrement | | Yes, No |
CanEnterNotAppl | ✔ | No, Confirm, NoConfirm |
CanEnterOutOfRange | ✔ | No, Confirm, NoConfirm |
CapturePosX | ✔ | (integer of the X position) |
CapturePosY | ✔ | (integer of the Y position) |
CaptureType | ✔ | Barcode, CheckBox, ComboBox, Date, DropDown, NumberPad, RadioButton, Slider, TextBox, ToggleButton |
CaptureDateFormat | ✔ | (string of the date format, e.g., YYYYMMDD) |
ForceOutOfRange | ✔ | Yes, No |
HideInCaseTree | ✔ | Yes, No |
Keyboard | ✔ | (integer of the keyboard ID) |
Persistent | | Yes, No |
Protected | ✔ | Yes, No |
Sequential | | Yes, No |
ShowExtendedControlTitle*D | ✔ | Yes, No |
SkipTo | | (string of the field name) |
UpperCase | ✔ | Yes, No |
UseEnterKey | ✔ | Yes, No |
UseUnicodeTextBox | | Yes, No |
ValidationMethod | ✔ | Default, Confirm, NoConfirm, Custom |
Verify | | Yes, No |
*D desktop only, *M mobile only |