Sort Data (CSSort) is a CSPro tool that allows you to sort text-based data files described by a CSPro data dictionary. You can either sort the file by case or by record. Please note that CSSort can only sort .dat files, it cannot sort .csdb files. If you need to sort a .csdb file, use DataViewer's "File -> Save as" feature to save it as a .dat file first. However, CSSort can create a .csdb for the sorted output file.
If you sort by case, you can choose either (a) ID items from level 1 or (b) any non-repeating items found in a level 1 single-occurrence record as the sort keys (i.e., you cannot sort a file using those same elements if they're located in level 2 or 3 of the dictionary).
If you sort by record, you can choose either (a) ID items from any level, (b) the record type, or (c) items from any one dictionary record at any level as the sort keys.
Within CSPro, Sort Data can be found on the Tools menu under "Sort Data." To start the sort program, select this option from the menu.
Within CSEntry on an Android device, Sort Data can be launched one of two ways: (1) from CSEntry's application listing, if the .pff and .ssf files are copied over or (2) by invoking the sort .pff via logic from an entry application by making an execPff function call (which also requires the underlying .pff and .ssf files to be present).
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