In addition to the response values for a field, you can associate an image with some or all of the values. In this way, an interviewer can select a response based on the picture. This can be helpful, for example, in CAPI situations where an interviewer must select units of measure or other things that may best be described visually. This is also useful for asking sensitive questions of people who may be illiterate (e.g., "What political party do you favor?").
To associate an image with a value, show the
dictionary property panel and modify the
Image property. Images in five file formats are supported: .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .png, and .tif.
If you are deploying a data entry application to another computer or a mobile device, you must remember to distribute the images along with the CSEntry data entry application. If you want CSPro to automatically bundle the images with the
data entry .pen file, you may want to put the images in a special folder and then denote that folder as a
resource folder.