time function

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Joined: February 11th, 2013, 8:26 am

time function

Post by Mariovaisman »


Time ago, I posted about a time feature, like the application can call a function after some elapsed time, after this function is executed, the app can continue normally, it is like a buttom that is pressed automatically.

This capability is useful to give certain time to complete a form, to exit the application, or to execute some external program.


Mario Vaisman
Posts: 639
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Location: Silver Spring Area, MD, USA

Re: time function

Post by htuser »

Hi Mario,
We don't know if the Developer Team will give a direct way for this.
In the meantime, you can simulate this using timestamp function. Josh already give some idea about :viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3378

G.VOLNY, a CSProuser from Haiti, since 2004
Posts: 143
Joined: February 11th, 2013, 8:26 am

Re: time function

Post by Mariovaisman »

Thanks for your reply, what I am suggesting is to have an automatic wake up at several time, because as the suggest you give me, each time the app does something I can check the tymestamp, but what happen if the app is waiting for an [OK] in an errmsg(), or waiting to type to a variable; in those circunstances it is like the app is in a "wait for".


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