When installing CSEntry 7.5+ you may notice the CSEntry folder has moved. The location of the CSEntry folder will depend on whether your installation is a new install or an upgrade of an existing installation. This was necessary to support more stringent security requirements on the Android OS.
New Installations of CSEntry 7.5+
With a new installation of CSEntry 7.5+ (i.e., CSEntry is not installed on the device) the CSEntry folder will be found at /Android/data/gov.census.cspro.csentry/files/csentry.
Upgrading Installations to CSEntry 7.5 – 7.6.1
Upgrading an earlier version of CSEntry to CSEntry 7.5 - 7.6.1 the location of the CSEntry folder will continue to be found at /csentry. For example, an upgrade from CSEntry 7.4 to CSEntry 7.5 will continue to use the CSEntry folder at /csentry. Upgrading to CSEntry 7.6 will again not change the location of the CSEntry folder.
Android 11+
On Android 11+, when upgrading a version of CSEntry which runs applications from /csentry to CSEntry 7.6.2+ it is necessary to complete a new installation. This can be done by uninstalling the current installation of CSEntry and then installing the new version. Note that this is necessary for all versions less than 7.5. For CSEntry 7.5 – 7.6.1 this will be necessary if it is running CSPro applications from the folder at /csentry due to an upgrade installation.
Also, with Android 11+, the only application automatically granted access to manage the contents of /Android/data is the AOSP Files application. You can access the AOSP Files application by going to Settings > Storage > tap on Files. You will be prompted to select the default application. Choose the AOSP Files application.
Caution: Do Not Delete Your Data
A consequence of this change is that uninstalling CSEntry will now remove the CSEntry folder, if it is located at /Android/data/gov.census.cspro.csentry/files/csentry. This will delete your applications and more importantly delete your data!