Preloads_ Hh members and responses for confirmation

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Preloads_ Hh members and responses for confirmation

Post by sham »

Hi @htsuer and Family,
I thank you so much for always guiding me to be like you in the future.

But I have a pending issues at hand and I will be very glad if I can get quick intervention from family.

I have some challenges that I need your swift response to complete this program.

A. preload information from the file ‘members’ in to the main application variables
At variable from variable name SA1_2, SA1_3, SA1_4, SA1_5, SA1_6 I want the system to pre-populate the names and the responses so that I can Verify responses to questions SA1_2, SA1_3, SA1_4, SA1_5) and Questions SA1_6 and SA1_7 should be filled in during the interview
Colon name from the file preload = variable name in the apps
s1_2-------- SA1_2
s1_3 --------- s1_3
s1_4--------- SA1_5
s1_5a------- SA1_4

B. Need a logic to combine FROM HOUSE -HOLD ROSTER (pre-load member file) of existing children & new roster of children] in roaster SEC2B000 and make reference to their names to the rest of the questions to be fill during an interview

I have attached all the necessary files, preload file (both excel, csdb and dic) for your perusal.
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