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Loading files into the server (CSWeb)

Posted: February 28th, 2018, 10:33 am
by AriSilva
Hi folks,
In the data menu, we add all the dictionaries to the csweb, no problem with that.
One of these dictionaries is used as a register for the list of the interviewers.
How can we load this file into the csweb server at the beginning without having to use a synchronization? I mean, loading the file directly from the windows to the wamp64?

Re: Loading files into the server (CSWeb)

Posted: February 28th, 2018, 3:34 pm
by htuser
Hi Ari,
I don't know for a dcf file, but for a full application, please add it inside:
Best Regards,

Re: Loading files into the server (CSWeb)

Posted: February 28th, 2018, 4:03 pm
by josh
You can use DataViewer to upload the file. Choose "Synchronize" from the file menu and under "Direction" choose "Upload changes to server (PUT)".

Note that if you update this file and regenerate it using Excel2CSPro then make sure to update the existing file and syncing it rather than creating a new file and syncing the new file. This way the sync history is preserved and you will avoid duplicates. To do this in Excel2CSPro under "Case management" choose "modify, add cases" or "modify add, delete cases".

Re: Loading files into the server (CSWeb)

Posted: March 2nd, 2018, 5:00 am
by sukanta
i have some question about loading the .pen and .pff (both this file already on /files/ on the server ) to my device. i have already enter the URL point to my server on my android device, i think connection success but always display error like this "No text provided for message 100142"

and i go to api.log like this

[2018-03-02 16:37:31] CSPro API.ERROR: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException: No route found for "GET /apps" (uncaught exception) at /var/www/html/cswebsrv/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/RouterListener.php line 176 {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Exception\\NotFoundHttpException(code: 0): No route found for \"GET /apps\" at /var/www/html/cswebsrv/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/RouterListener.php:176, Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Exception\\ResourceNotFoundException(code: 0): No routes found for \"/apps\". at /var/www/html/cswebsrv/vendor/symfony/routing/Matcher/UrlMatcher.php:98)"} []

Any body has an idea what to do in this case? Thanks.

Re: Loading files into the server (CSWeb)

Posted: March 2nd, 2018, 8:35 am
by josh
Next time please start a new topic rather than replying to a different question that has already been answered.

It looks like you are using the latest beta version of CSEntry on your tablet but an older version of CSWeb on your server. The version of CSWeb does not support the new application download feature. You can download the latest beta version of CSWeb from the beta site: