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Error downloading the .pen and .pff

Posted: September 4th, 2017, 5:18 am
by Xavi
Dear All,
I have been using CSweb to synchronize data from the field interview, it that the is synchronizing well, but i need them to update the .pen and .pff, my challenge is where do i put the .pen and .pff.

I have put placed them in "wamp/www/csweb/apps/MPPA" but am get the following error message
"Error downloding file "http://ubosapps:8080/csweb/apps/MPPA/MPPA.pen": Check that file exists on the server, that the path is correct and that you have permission to read the file."

Help me with that issue.

Re: Error downloading the .pen and .pff

Posted: September 4th, 2017, 8:11 am
by josh
They need to go under the csweb/files directory on the server which is the root path used when syncing files with csweb. All paths are relative to that directory. If you put then .pen and .pff files in wamp/www/csweb/files/apps/MPPA then you would use the path /apps/MPPA in the sync settings or in your calls to syncfile().

Re: Error downloading the .pen and .pff

Posted: September 4th, 2017, 10:34 am
by Xavi
THank you Josh.