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Missing values for non-coded data

Posted: January 22nd, 2016, 10:14 am
by CathyGarlick
Hi all

In all my surveys I tend to have missing value codes for most numeric variables and generally use 9 or -9. I do this both for coded categorical items such as "Sex of respondent" where 1=Male, 2=Female, 9=Missing; and for non-coded items such as "Number of individuals in household" where -9=Missing. I set the missing value in the Value Set using the "Special value" of missing and this works well when running CSEntry on a Windows PC with standard data entry forms etc. However, when I transfer this to the Android device and use CSEntry there, because I have a value set with just the one value (the special missing value), all I get on the android screen is a single option radio button so I can't put anything other than Missing into that item.

Is there any way to effectively allow any numeric value in an item (within the limits of the length of course) but still have a missing value code?


Re: Missing values for non-coded data

Posted: January 22nd, 2016, 10:27 am
by CathyGarlick
Aha I think I've worked it out - or at least found something that works. My Value Set now reads as

Number in Household
Valid Values 1 99
Missing -9 Missing

Then I get the box to enter any number from 1 to 99 or -9 - that's exactly what I needed.
