Directory Listing Error

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Directory Listing Error

Post by Russ »

Am having this error "Failed to list contents of directory:/.Ensure that the path is valid and that you have permission to read the directory. What can be the issue. I have used another dropbox account and am having the same error, with different gadgets
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Joined: May 5th, 2014, 12:49 pm
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Re: Directory Listing Error

Post by josh »

This is during sync? If so please post the .pnc file and the synclog.txt file from the csentry directory of the device.

Re: Directory Listing Error

Post by Russ »

josh wrote:This is during sync? If so please post the .pnc file and the synclog.txt file from the csentry directory of the device.

This is when i try to sync a template, i dont get into dropbox, after i give csentry permission so that i access the dropbox,thats when i get the error, i dont think it has something to do with .pnc
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Joined: October 28th, 2017, 10:14 am

Re: Directory Listing Error

Post by mahmoudadel2214 »

Is there is an answer for this issue?????
Posts: 100
Joined: August 28th, 2014, 12:46 pm

Re: Directory Listing Error

Post by jfigueroa »

Hi mahmoudadel2214,

I think could be better if you update to CSPro 7.0.2 version. It has new ways to Sync, so maybe that can solve your issue.

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