ow to use the new Operational Control Application

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Joined: July 22nd, 2016, 3:55 pm

ow to use the new Operational Control Application

Post by AriSilva »

Hi folks,
I´m starting to grasp the news in the 8.0 version and I might be a little bit boring to you, so, please, forgive me beforehand.
One of the things that attracted me was the "menu" operational control, since I´m already using that kind of strategy on my surveys. I´ve created a new application using this control, I looked to the pff and ent files, comparing to my old approach, and I did not see any differences in those files.
Are there any other differences in this new operational control that I did not see?
I did not see also an example of this menu in the 8.0 examples.
Woiuld you be able to write a small example of how to use the menu, or be a little more lengthy in the explanation on how to use tha control?
Posts: 206
Joined: November 21st, 2022, 4:41 pm

Re: ow to use the new Operational Control Application

Post by justinlakier »


The new menu application should resemble your old approach. This is meant to be a quick and beginner-friendly way to get a menu started, since the operational control center was such a common strategy on surveys. An example of a menu is found in the examples folder in 1- Data Entry under the CAPI Census example. If you check the "What's new in CSPro" page for 8.0 and look for "Operational Control Application", you will find a link to its page under Data Entry Application Types, where the features of this application type are explained further.

Hope this helps,
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