I recently developed an application in CSPro 7.6 and deployed it to a CSWeb server. Synchronizing works fine – downloading the app and uploading the data – both on my phone (that I use for testing, a Samsung Galaxy S8) and on the tablets that will be used in the field (Samsung Galaxy Tab E).
Then I made a few minor changes to the app and deployed it again. Now, running “update installed applications” on the smartphone works as expected, but the tablets recognize there is a new version of the app, but trying to install it, I get the following error message:
I attach the sync log and the api log, hoping you will be able to solve this mystery. (I changed the name of the server, but if you need it, just let me know).Error downloading application package "Baro2021". Check that package exists on the server and check your network connection. Check the server for errors.