CSPro 7.6.1 20 April 2021 ============================================================================ Release Notes ============= This document contains the following sections: [1] What's New in This Version [2] Migrating Previous Applications to 7.6 [3] CSPro 7.6 List of Modules [4] Hardware and Software Requirements [5] Example Files and Folders [6] What was New in CSPro 7.5 [7] What was New in CSPro 7.4 [8] What was New in CSPro 7.3 [9] What was New in CSPro 7.2 [10] What was New in CSPro 7.1 [11] What was New in CSPro 7.0 [12] What was New in CSPro 6.3 [13] What was New in CSPro 6.2 [14] What was New in CSPro 6.1 [15] What was New in CSPro 6.0 [16] What was New in CSPro 5.0 [17] What was New in CSPro 4.1 [18] What was New in CSPro 4.0 [19] What was New in CSPro 3.3 [20] What was New in CSPro 3.2 [21] What was New in CSPro 3.1 [22] What was New in CSPro 3.0 [23] What was New in CSPro 2.6 [24] What was New in CSPro 2.5 [25] What was New in CSPro 2.4 [26] What was New in CSPro 2.3 [27] What was New in CSPro 2.2 ============================================================================ [1] What's New in This Version - New capture types for Android, including barcode (for scanning numeric or string barcodes using the device's camera), and slider (for capturing numeric range values using a graphical slider). - CAPI question text is now stored in HTML format instead of the old RTF format. This allows for the creation of dynamic question text with support for images, tables, hyperlinks, and other HTML elements. Question text will automatically be upgraded to the new format when opening applications designed in previous versions of CSPro. - Question text fills can now include any logic expression. Instead of using %...% for a fill, you now use ~~...~~. Question text conditions are also based on logic expressions, so using the full set of CSPro logic functions is now possible when working with question text. - The following tools can now be run on Android: * Compare Data * Concatenate Data * Index Data * Paradata Concatenator * Reformat Data * Sort Data - Listing files can now be written as Excel or HTML files. - Enhanced ability to generate frequencies, including controlling when they are tallied and how they are displayed. Frequencies can be written as text and tables (as before) in addition to the new Excel and HTML formats. They can also be used in data entry applications. - A new feature in the logic editor, Symbol Analysis, shows where each dictionary symbol, form symbol, and user-defined function is used in your application. - Language additions: * freq functions: clear, save, tally, view - Bug fixes and enhancements. ============================================================================ [2] Migrating Previous Applications to 7.6 Nearly all previous CSPro applications should work in CSPro 7.6 with the exception of compiled data entry applications (.enc) created prior to CSPro 6.0. These applications must be regenerated using CSPro 7.6. These compiled applications will now have the extension .pen and can also be run on Android devices running the CSEntry application. Data files in CSPro DB (.csdb) format created in versions prior to 7.6 can be used with this version. However, due to a file format change, CSPro DB files created in version 7.6 cannot be used in versions earlier than 7.4. To use CSPro DB files in earlier versions of CSPro, convert the file to text format and then convert it back to CSPro DB format using an earlier version of CSPro. ============================================================================ [3] CSPro 7.6 List of Modules The following modules are located in the CSPro 7.6 installation folder. This folder is generally located at "C:\Program Files\CSPro 7.6" or "C:\Program Files (x86)\CSPro 7.6" on 64-bit machines. Module names are followed in parentheses by their Windows executable file name: Data Dictionary (CSPro.exe) Data Entry Designer (CSPro.exe) Batch Edit Designer (CSPro.exe) Tabulation Designer (CSPro.exe) Data Entry Run (CSEntry.exe) Batch Edit Run (CSBatch.exe) Tabulation Run (CSTab.exe) Data Viewer (DataViewer.exe) Text Viewer (TextView.exe) Table Viewer (TblView.exe) Deploy Application (CSDeploy.exe) Pack Application (CSPack.exe) Tabulate Frequencies (CSFreq.exe) Export Data (CSExport.exe) Compare Data (CSDiff.exe) Concatenate Data (CSConcat.exe) Index Data (CSIndex.exe) Reformat Data (CSReFmt.exe) Sort Data (CSSort.exe) Table Retrieval (TRSWin.exe) Table Retrieval Setup (TRSSetup.exe) Paradata Viewer (ParadataViewer.exe) Paradata Concatenator (ParadataConcat.exe) Excel to CSPro (Excel2CSPro.exe) PFF Editor (PFF Editor.exe) Production Runner (CSProProductionRunner.exe) Operator Statistics Viewer (Operator Statistics Viewer.exe) Save Array Viewer (Save Array Viewer.exe) PFF Runner (runpff.exe) Application Waiter (runwait.exe) Unicode Text Converter (TextConverter.exe) Table File Contents Viewer (TbdView.exe) Dropbox Authenticator (DropboxAuth.exe) CSPro URI Handler (UriHandler.exe) Uninstaller (uninstall.exe) The following modules were previously included with CSPro but have been removed from the installation package. The modules are available at https://www.csprousers.org/downloads. Data Dictionary Converter (DDConvrt.exe) Form Viewer (FViewer.exe) Map Viewer (MapView.exe) Shape to Map Converter (ShpToMap.exe) XML Metadata Exporter (ExportXMLMetadata.exe) ============================================================================ [4] Hardware and Software Requirements A minimal configuration: Pentium processor 512MB of RAM SVGA monitor Mouse 100 MB of free hard drive space Microsoft Windows Vista, 7, 8, or 10 To run the CSEntry application on an Android phone or tablet, the device must run Android version 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) or higher. ============================================================================ [5] Example Files and Folders CSPro comes with several example programs to help you learn about the software's functionality. The examples are in a subfolder of the Documents folder, "CSPro\Examples 7.6." You can also view the examples folder via a link on the Help menu in the CSPro Designer. ============================================================================ [6] What was New in CSPro 7.5 - Ability to record and play audio on Android devices in two modes: interactive mode, with the enumerator able to control the recording; and background mode, with the recording controlled by logic functions using the new audio object. - The csentry directory on Android has moved. For new installations the csentry directory will be located at: /Android/data/gov.census.cspro.csentry/files/csentry If you are upgrading from an earlier version of CSEntry, the csentry directory will remain at /csentry. This change is required to support the more stringent security requirements introduced in the latest versions of Android. - CSWeb can convert case data to MySQL/MariaDB relational tables using a command line process, allowing for more dynamic reporting. - Listing files can now be written as CSV or CSPro data files (in addition to the familiar text format). - New hashmap object that allows for the use of an associative array in logic. - Ability to synchronize paradata between devices over Bluetooth or by using a Dropbox, CSWeb, or FTP server. - User-defined functions now support optional parameters as well as passing numeric and string values by reference. - The language now has a preprocessor, which allows for conditional compilation of logic. - Language additions: * encode, OnSystemMessage, replace, syncparadata * audio functions: clear, concat, length, load, play, record, recordInteractive, save, stop, * hashmap functions: clear, contains, getKeys, length, remove * list functions: sort, removeDuplicates, removeIn * path functions: concat, getDirectoryName, getExtension, getFilename, getFilenameWithoutExtension * valueset functions: randomize, sort - Bug fixes and enhancements. ============================================================================ [7] What was New in CSPro 7.4 - New format of the CSPro DB data source using a relational database for CSPro data that can be queried using SQL. - Introduction of Encrypted CSPro DB, a data source for storing data in a file that must be opened with a password. - A new special value, refused, allows for processing refusals differently from other numeric responses. - On Android devices, barcodes can be read using logic and QR codes can be used to install applications. - On Android devices, signatures can be collected and stored as images by using the execsystem function. - New SystemApp object that simplifies interacting with external applications. - Simplified way to update applications deployed on servers and a new ability to update applications via Bluetooth. - Synchronization directly to a folder (a Dropbox or normal folder) on the disk. - Downloading data from CSWeb servers using Data Viewer is faster. - Saved passwords are encrypted when saved on Android devices in addition to being stored in a secure location. - Ability to clear saved synchronization and data source credentials. - Language additions: * filetime, hash, ischecked, OnRefused, OnSyncMessage, protect, refused, startswith, syncapp, syncmessage, when * barcode functions: read * SystemApp functions: clear, getResult, exec, setArgument - Bug fixes and enhancements. ============================================================================ [8] What was New in CSPro 7.3 - Introduction of a mapping module for displaying maps and interacting with points. - Introduction of logic objects with functions that can be called on the object using dot notation. - Replacement of the logic editor with a new editor with better performance and functionality. - New valueset object that simplifies creating dynamic value sets. - Full support for the list object, which is similar to an array but with only one dimension and of dynamic size. - Language additions: * pathname, view * array functions: clear, length * file functions: close, open, read, write * list functions: add, clear, insert, length remove, seek, show * map functions: addImageButton, addMarker, addTextButton, clearButtons, clearMarkers, getLastClickLatitude, getLastClickLongitude, getMarkerLatitude, getMarkerLongitude, hide, removeButton, removeMarker, setBaseMap, setMarkerDescription, setMarkerImage, setMarkerLocation, setMarkerOnClick, setMarkerOnClickInfoWindow, setMarkerOnDrag, setMarkerText, setOnClick, setTitle, show, showCurrentLocation, zoomTo * pff functions: exec, getproperty, load, save, setproperty * valueset functions: add, clear, length, remove, show - Bug fixes and enhancements. ============================================================================ [9] What was New in CSPro 7.2 - Introduction of blocks, a way to group several fields into a related unit. On mobile devices, all fields on a block can be displayed on the same screen and the operator can enter values into these fields in any order. - Removal of implicit variable declarations. - Language additions: * dirdelete, ensure, getbluetoothname, getvaluelabel, regexmatch - Bug fixes and enhancements. ============================================================================ [10] What was New in CSPro 7.1 - Ability to collect paradata during an application's run. A new tool, Paradata Viewer, displays reports about the collected paradata. Another new tool, Paradata Concatenator, combines multiple paradata logs into a single log. - Interface for generating HTML-templated reports from case data as well as from results of queries into paradata and other data sets. - A new tool, Deploy Application, for creating application packages that can be deployed to mobile devices. - A new logic function, warning, that can be used instead of errmsg for "soft check" error messages. These will not be displayed to an operator when advancing in the case (e.g., resuming from a partial save). - Support for multiple language messages in the message file and a way to translate string literals with the tr function. - Multiple message files can be associated with an application. - Cases can be automatically partially saved after a specified number of minutes. - Question text fills can show the return values of user-defined functions. - New and improved functionality to the Data Viewer. - Language additions: * countcases, getproperty, logtext, paradata, report, setproperty, setreportdata, sqlquery, timestring, tr, warning - Bug fixes and enhancements. ============================================================================ [11] What was New in CSPro 7.0 - Introduction of data sources, which allow for the collection and storage of data in multiple formats. Traditional text files are supported, as well as a new format, CSPro DB, that stores all data entry-specific information in a single file. - New ways to synchronize data using CSWeb, a web server designed to work with CSPro data, as well as the ability to synchronize from logic instead of using .pnc files. - Ability to synchronize data with Dropbox and FTP servers on a case by case, rather than data file, basis. - A new tool, Data Viewer, for viewing data files in dictionary format. - An overhaul of the Excel to CSPro tool, adding increased functionality and greater speed. - Ability to set case labels to show in the case listing (rather than case IDs). - Case notes and multi-operator field notes. - Auto-increment field property for ID items. - Ability to skip conditionally using the ask statement. - New PFF attributes for CAPI surveys. - New installer and help system. - Language additions: * ask, compress, config, decompress, diagnostics, forcase, getcaselabel, isverified, keylist, setcaselabel, setoperatorid, syncconnect, syncdata, syncdisconnect, syncfile, syncserver, timestamp - Bug fixes and enhancements. ============================================================================ [12] What was New in CSPro 6.3 - CSPro no longer works on Windows XP but instead requires Vista or higher. - Language additions: * loadsetting, savesetting, uuid - Bug fixes and small enhancements, particularly on Android devices. ============================================================================ [13] What was New in CSPro 6.2 - Dictionaries can now have labels in multiple languages, facilitating data collection in more than one language. - Value sets can have associated images that display along with the value label when using extended controls. - Applications can define resource folders that contain auxiliary files that the application uses. These files will be compressed in the .pen file and decompressed when running the application. - Field and occurrence labels will by default be linked to the labels defined in the dictionary, which will help keep labels synced. - The Windows extended controls have been improved, with navigation buttons and search functionality. - Android case tree changes: individual fields can be hidden in the tree; by default skipped fields will no longer be shown in the tree. - System messages as defined in CSProRuntime.mgf can be overridden. - Language additions: * connection, getimage, prompt, round - Bug fixes and small enhancements. ============================================================================ [14] What was New in CSPro 6.1 - On Android tablets, the case tree now appears alongside the questions, resulting in simplified navigation. - Improved synchronization setup: There is a step-by-step interface for creating basic synchronization files for applications. - Bluetooth synchronization: In addition to Dropbox and FTP, now data can be transmitted via a peer-to-peer Bluetooth connection. - Sync from logic: Using the sync function, synchronization routines can be run or queued to run at a later time. - Applications can be created using a new CAPI Data Entry Application mode that automatically sets the recommended parameters for CAPI applications. - French and Spanish translations of the Android menus. - The field colors displayed in CSEntry on Windows can be modified. - Multiple parameters can be specified in a .pff file and accessed via the sysparm function. - A tool has been added to CSPro: * Excel to CSPro: Use this tool to convert data stored in Excel to a format that CSPro can read (for example when creating lookup files from preexisting data). - Language additions: * dircreate, direxist, dirlist, getdeviceid, publishdate, setocclabel, sync - Bug fixes and small enhancements. ============================================================================ [15] What was New in CSPro 6.0 - Android support: The CSPro engine was rewritten so that it can run on both Windows and Android devices. CSEntry is available for download in the Google Play store. Data entry programs are still created on Windows but can now run on both operating systems. - The Android application has a synchronization tool that allows applications and data files to be synched with Dropbox or on an FTP server. - The previous compiled data entry .enc format has been superseded with a new format with the extension .pen. - The default extension of CSPro logic files is now .apc, changed from .app. Many email clients blocked attachments that contained .app files, which made emailing CSPro applications difficult. CSPro can still run old applications that use the .app extension. - A new string type has been added to logic. This type is similar to the alpha type except that it is of variable length, meaning that the string can grow and shrink in size, depending on what is assigned to it. - Alpha and string variables can be declared locally in PROCs and functions. (This was already possible with numeric variables.) - Strings can be concatenated using the + operator, eliminating the need for the concat function. - The rules governing the drop down and combo boxes have changed, with drop downs now only supporting discrete value sets, whereas combo boxes can show ranges. When opening old applications, CSPro will automatically convert drop down fields with ranges to combo boxes. - The random number functions produce a different sequence of values, even with a seed, than in previous versions of CSPro. - A new data entry mode for tablets hides both the case tree and CSEntry's menus, maximizing screen real estate for forms. - Several tools have been added to CSPro: * PFF Editor: Use this tool to edit .pff files with a convenient graphical user interface that shows all options that can be customized. * Production Runner: Use this tool to automate the running of several CSPro operations that you want to run in sequence. * Operator Statistics Viewer: Use this tool to easily view keying logs, to chart the progress of a keying operation, and to forecast completion dates. * Save Array Viewer: Use this tool to view or edit the contents of hotdecks (save arrays) created by a batch editing program. - Language additions: * getocclabel, getos, getvalue, getvaluealpha, getvaluenumeric, setvalue, showarray - Bug fixes and small enhancements. ============================================================================ [16] What was New in CSPro 5.0 - Internationalization. CSPro now supports non-Latin languages. This is a large change to CSPro and even affects users who use only Latin languages. Read the "Unicode Primer" in the help documentation for more information on how this change will affect you. - Data and specification files are saved in UTF-8 encoding instead of ASCII/ANSI format. - A PDA (PocketPC) version is no longer supported. - New multiline alpha fields, useful for addresses, memos, or notes. - The tickmarks on alpha fields can be removed to support scripts with connecting features, such as Arabic, or scripts where multiple keystrokes comprise one character, such as Devanagari. - A number pad control has been added to facilitate data entry of numeric values on tablets. - Text labels can now be span multiple lines. - Entry in rosters can be from right-to-left, for languages such as Arabic. - Data entry and exports support the use of a comma as a decimal mark. - Users can modify the font used in the CSPro Designer. - Attributes for multiple fields can be modified at one time. - The position of extended control popups can be set in form properties. - The starting language for CAPI applications can be specified in a a data entry PFF file. - Data files can be exported to R format. - It is possible to include data files in packed applications. - Tabulation: Area names can be suppressed (as in IMPS) and spanners can be added to tables. - Language additions: * alias, changekeyboard, dateadd, datevalid, fileempty, has, onchangelanguage, onchar, seekmax, seekmin, setoutput - Bug fixes and small enhancements. ============================================================================ [17] What was New in CSPro 4.1 Those of you who are already familiar with CSPro 4.0 should note the following significant changes and new features. Please refer to the CSPro documentation or helps for more information. - Extended controls: Addition of tablet-ready controls such as radio buttons, checkboxes, lists, and date pickers. - Userbar: An optional bar in a data entry application that can contain buttons, fields, and text. - Increased support for CAPI applications, including ones in multiple languages via changeable fonts. - Reference window for element inspection while editing logic. - GPS support. - DeckArrays: Hotdeck imputation using arrays built from value sets. - Linked value sets: Multiple items can share the same value set. - Value set pairs can be merged simply and labels can be formatted using several templates. - Tracing: Limited ability to generate a trace log of a program's logic. - Data entry and batch programs can be run without specifying an input file. - Application files can be locked to prevent editing within CSPro. - Language additions: * Functions and statements: abs, countnonspecial, execpff, getcapturetype and setcapturetype, getdeck and putdeck, getorientation and setorientation, getrecord, getusername, gps, high and low, pathname, randomin, randomizevs, seek, set errmsg, setcapturepos, setfont, setvaluesets, trace, userbar. - Bug fixes and small enhancements. ============================================================================ [18] What was New in CSPro 4.0 Those of you who are already familiar with CSPro 3.3 should note the following significant changes and new features. Please refer to the CSPro documentation or helps for more information. - Support for data entry on handheld devices (Pocket PCs, or PDAs) running Windows Mobile. - Creation of single binary (compiled) files (.ENC) for simpler and more secure deployment of data entry applications that cannot be changed by the user. - Language additions: * Functions and statements: datediff, endcase, getlanguage and setlanguage, inc, swap, tolower and toupper, universe * Initialization of variables and arrays within PROC GLOBAL and the ability to declare local numeric variables * Can pass arrays as function parameters * Single line comments using // * Context-sensitive help - CSIndex: A tool to index data files and to locate duplicate case IDs - Bug fixes and small enhancements. ============================================================================ [19] What was New in CSPro 3.3 Those of you who are already familiar with CSPro 3.2 should note the following significant changes and new features. Please refer to the CSPro documentation or helps for more information. - Windows Vista ready. - Improved online documentation using HTML Help. - Enhancements to meet Section 508 requirements including export of tables in html that is designed to work with screen readers. - The advance statement in data entry applications can be used without a target in which case it advances to the end of the current level. - The reformat data tool works when a comma is used as a decimal character. - Opening a CAPI application when running a non-CAPI application in data entry now works correctly. - The MapViewer example in the examples directory runs without error. - Using the SavePartial function in a data entry application in the postproc of a form now generates a compile error rather than failing to correctly save the case at run-time. - The reenter statement in a data entry application now works correctly when used with $ or the name of the current field as a target. ============================================================================ [20] What was New in CSPro 3.2 Those of you who are already familiar with CSPro 3.1 should note the following significant changes and new features. Please refer to the CSPro documentation or helps for more information. Tabulation ========== - Many tabulations run almost twice as fast. - The tally attributes has been changed to allow more flexibility to tally statistics. You can now control the order of statistics and whether percents are separate or interleaved. - Proportion has been added as new tally statistic. - The median and n-tile statistics now allow specification of intervals for calculation and whether the statistics are for discrete or continuous variables. - Input Data with decimal characters can use either dot (.) or comma (,). - Syntax error messages are now provided for value tallied, weight, universe, tablogic, and postcalc logic. - You can now suppress table rows which contain all zeros. - Areanames in the stub of a one row table are now indented for different area levels. - You can now look for variable names while in the Universe dialog box. - Problem is fixed with totocc when both records and items occur. - There is additional documentation describing how to setup data entry applications in Arabic, export data to statistical packages, and use the SetValueSet command. ============================================================================ [21] What was New in CSPro 3.1 Those of you who are already familiar with CSPro 3.0 should note the following significant changes and new features. Please refer to the CSPro documentation or helps for more information. Batch Edit ========== - You can now automatically load and save hotdeck arrays in a CSPro batch edit program in a manner similar to IMPS. Tabulation ========== - You can now run tabulations in parts both interactively in CSPro or a batch run. That is, you can run tabulation, consolidation, or formatting separately as you could in IMPS. - You can add special tabulation logic when producing a CSPro table. This logic is specified in the Tally Attributes for the table. - You can now specify calculations to be performed on the tabulated data (*.TAB files) before the tables are formatted. These calculations involve the values of cells in the tables. - You can now enter line breaks in table text by using Ctrl+Enter when typing text. - The meaning of row and column percent has been reversed in the Tally Attributes Dialog Box for a variable. The meaning now agrees with the meaning in SPSS, SAS, STATA, and IMPS. Tables created in CSPro 3.0 are unchanged. - When creating percents only, you can now include a column or row containing totals. - You can now make separate preference settings for row and column variables. - You can now apply a particular unit to all subtables within a given table. - The name and label of the tabulation application and tables can be changed in the tables tree by right clicking on the application or table name and selecting Properties. ============================================================================ [22] What was New in CSPro 3.0 CSPro ===== - On launch CSPro allows you to select a recently used application to open. - You can save a copy of an application under a different name. - The New wizard has been improved to make the creation of new applications easier. Tabulation ========== - You can add and cross variables in the rows and columns of a table. - You now have control over the presence of totals and their position. - You now have control over position of percents in tables. - You can produce statistics (min, max, mean, median, mode, std. dev., variance, n-tiles) for any variable in the table. - You can have different units of tabulation in the same table. - a full arithmetic expression in the CSPro language can be used to define the tally value and/or weight used in tabulation - A full conditional expression in the CSPro language can be used to define the universe of a table. - You now have full formatting control over the text in the tables. - You can draw borders around any element of your table. - You save and load your own standard formatting preferences to be used by default in all the tables you design. - You can design tables which span facing pages in a printed publication. - Stubs are supported on both the left and right sides of a table. - Full area processing like that available in IMPS is now available. - Zero can be used as a valid area code value. Dictionary ========== - You can now generate value sets using specified ranges and a value set label template. - You can now define multiple items within multiple records in CSPro. CSPro Language ============== - Subscripting of multiple items within multiple records is supported. Tabulate Frequencies ==================== - Full conditional expression for universe - Weighted frequencies - Frequency by value set or by each value found - Statistics (Min, max, mean, std. dev., variance, mode, median) Table Viewer ============ - The Table Viewer allows you to change the formatting of saved tables. - You can hide rows or columns in tables you are viewing. ============================================================================ [23] What was New in CSPro 2.6 Those of you who are already familiar with CSPro 2.5 should note the following significant changes and new features. Please refer to the CSPro documentation or helps for more information. Data Dictionary =============== - RELATIONS. Relations provide a way of linking one multiple record or item to one or more other multiple records or items. Relations are defined in the data dictionary and can be used in FOR and EXPORT statements. CSPro (language) ================ - FILE declaration statement. This new statement defines files, not associated with dictionaries, that are used by the application and whose physical names are not given until run time. - RELATION declaration statement. This new statements defines relations for a particular application in addition to those defined in the data dictionary. - FILECONCAT function. This function concatenates a list of files. The list may contain individual files or wildcard file specifications. - FILECOPY function. This new function copies one file to another file. - FILECREATE function. This new function creates a new file with the given file name. If the file already exists, it is truncated to zero length. - FILEDELETE function. This new function deletes an already existing file from your system. - FILEEXIST function. This new function determines whether a file exists on your system. - FILENAME function modified. This function now return the full qualified name of a file defined by a FILE statement as well as a dictionary. - FILEREAD function. This function reads a text line from a file into an item or variable. - FILERENAME function. This new function changes the name of a file. - FILESIZE function. This new function returns the size of a file in bytes. - FILEWRITE function. This new function writes a line of text to a file. - EXECSYSTEM function. This new function starts another windows application or process. - MAXOCC function. This new function returns the maximum number of multiply occurring records or the maximum number of multiply-occurring items defined for a group in the dictionary. - SETFILE function. This new function assigns a new physical file to a dictionary or declared file and opens the file. - OPEN function modified. This function now opens a file defined by a FILE statement as well as defined by a dictionary. For files defined by a FILE statement, the file can be created or extended when opened. - CLOSE function modified. This function now closes a file defined by a FILE statement as well as defined by a dictionary. - FOR statement modified. This statement now allows relations to be used for looping. - SET BEHAVIOR EXPORT statement. This new statement determines the format output type of any subsequent Export statements. - EXPORT statement. This new statement writes a record to an export file defined by a FILE statement. Data Entry ========== - Improved handling of Arabic font text when entered into an alphanumeric data field. Export Data =========== - NEW INTERFACE. There is a new interface for this tool. - RELATIONS. Records and items connected through a relation can be exported to the same record. - UNIVERSE. Particular cases, records, or items can be selected for export. - SINGLE FILE/MULTIPLE FILES. Export can be done to a single file or to multiple files. - SINGLE RECORD/MULTIPLE RECORDS Export of multiple records can be done to a single record or as separate records. - JOIN SINGLE AND MULTIPLE RECORDS. During export of multiple records as separate records, single records can be joined to each occurrence of the separate multiple records. - EXPORT RECORD TYPE. The record type of a record can be exported. - EXPORT RECORD ITEMS OR SUBITEMS. When an entire record is selected for export and subitems are contained in the record, only items, only subitems, or both items and subitems can be specified for output. - CSPRO AND SEMI-COLON DELIMITED OUTPUT. New output formats of CSPro and semi-colon delimited files are available. Table Retrieval Setup ===================== - NEW. This new tools allows you to create and edit a Table Retrieval file for use by the Table Retrieval tool. You can load a tables file generated by IMPS and individual files such as word processing documents, spreadsheets, or PDF files. ============================================================================ [24] What was New in CSPro 2.5 Those of you who are already familiar with CSPro 2.4 should note the following significant changes and new features. Please refer to the CSPro documentation or helps for more information. CSPro (Data Entry Designer) =========================== - CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing). In CAPI, the enumerator is presented a question to ask and enters the answers directly into CSPro. CSPro provide a switch to turn on CAPI behavior and a CAPI question editor. - CONTROL ITEM for ROSTER or MULTIPLE FORMS. An data item can now be specified to control the maximum number of occurrences of a roster or multiple form. - ROSTERS WITH FREE MOVEMENT. Roster now can either have their current behavior or can be made to behave as a spreadsheet where there is free movement Behavior in Rosters. CSPro (language) ================ - BREAK and NEXT statements. These new statements allow you exit early from a loop and either exit the loop entirely or continue with the next iteration of the loop. - REENTER, SKIP, and ADVANCE statements. The statements have been enhanced to allow the specification of the target field in an alpha variable or data item. - MOVE statement. This new statement allows you to move to a field in data regardless on whether it is before or after the current field in the data entry sequence. - SYSPARM function. This new function allows you to retrieve the system parameter specified in the .PFF file which launched your application. - GETOPERATORID function. This new function allows you to retrieve the operator id entered by the operator or specified in the .PFF file which launched your data entry application. - GETSYMBOL function. This new function allows to retrieve the name of the proc which currently being executed. - GETLABEL function. This new function allows you to retrieve the data dictionary label associated with a dictionary, record, item, valueset or value. - HIGHLIGHTED function. This new function allows you to determine whether a field is on path during data entry in system controlled mode or before the high water mark in operator controlled mode. - SAVEPARTIAL function. This new function allows you save the current case partially under program control and continue with data entry. - ONSTOP global function. This new global function allows you to control events after a stop case is requested or data entry is closed while a case is being entered. - ONKEY global function. This new global function allows you capture and process each key press of the operator. - SET BEHAVIOR statement. This new statement allows you switch whether blanks are allowed in numeric fields. - SET ATTRIBUTES statement. This statement has been enhanced to specify whether a responses for a field are to be given for selection. The responses display are from the first value set in the data dictionary. Export Data =========== - SEPARATE RECORD EXPORT IN SPSS, SAS, and STATA. You can now export different records types to different files where multiple records in the input file produce multiple records in the output files. This was available for text and comma delimited file previously and is now available for SPSS, SAS, and STATA exports. Pack Application ================ - NEW. This new tools allows you to create a zip file containing all the files that belong to an application. This is useful to transfer an application to another computer or to another colleague. ============================================================================ [25] What was New in CSPro 2.4 Those of you who are already familiar with CSPro 2.3 should note the following significant changes and new features. Please refer to the CSPro documentation or helps for more information. CSPro (Data Entry Designer) =========================== - DATA ENTRY OPTIONS. You can allow partial saves of cases and show the case tree by selecting these options under the data entry options dialog box (Ctrl+E). CSPro (language) ================ - GETNOTE, PUTNOTE, EDITNOTE functions. These functions allow you to read and write notes to the notes file and force the operator to enter or read a note. They can only be coded in data entry applications. - MAKETEXT function. This function allow you to create a formatted string within your logic. - ONFOCUS and KILLFOCUS procedures. These procedures are only executed in data entry applications. They allow you to define statements which are always executed prior to and following entry of a level, roster, or field. CSEntry (Data Entry Module) =========================== - You can now save notes which are associated with a particular field within a particular case. - A case can now be partially saved in Add, Modify, or Verify mode. When this feature is turned on, you can stop anytime during the entry of a case and come back to it later. You will have the choice of beginning at the position in the case where you left off, or at the first keyable field of the case. - A case tree has been added for navigation within a case. When this feature is turned on, a tree showing the names and values of data items within the case is displayed. It can be used for moving between data items or for examining what has been entered in the case. - The menus and keyboard shortcuts have been changed and augmented. In particular, the Functions menu item has been split into Edit and Navigation menus. Additional items have been added to the View menu. CSPro (all modules) =================== - BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY. You can open any application created in CSPro 2.2 or 2.3 in CSPro 2.4. ============================================================================ [26] What was New in CSPro 2.3 Those of you who are already familiar with CSPro 2.2 should note the following significant changes and new features. Please refer to the CSPro documentation or helps for more information. CSPro (Data Entry Designer) =========================== - COLOR IN FORMS. You now have total control over the colors you use in your data entry applications. Each form can have its own color, and every text item can have its own color. - MORE ALIGNMENT FUNCTIONS FOR FORMS DESIGN. In addition to aligning things left, right, top and bottom, you can now center things and space them evenly. CONCATENATE DATA UTILITY ======================== - This utility allows you to concatenate (join together) as many data files (or text files) as you like. The data files can be from any folder and you can sort them in a variety of ways. You'll find it on the CSPro's Tools menu. CSPro (language) ================ - INSERT/DELETE/SORT COMMANDS. These are new commands in the CSPro language, which provide you more power in manipulating your data files. - DECLARING VARIABLES IN YOUR LOGIC. Variables that are not declared in PROC GLOBAL will be flagged as errors to help you avoid unintentional errors in your logic. If you prefer, you can easily set the compiler not to flag these as errors, as in CSPro 2.2. See the CSPro documentation on "Declarations" for more details. - SUBSCRIPT CHECKING. The CSPro compiler now issues warnings for unusual or improper use of subscripts. This will help you find errors in your logic, avoid run-time errors, and help ensure that your applications work the way you want. - REENGINEERED EXECUTION MODULES. We've done a lot of work "under the hood" to improve the way CSPro runs your applications. Several small bugs have been fixed and unusual behaviors corrected. CSPro (all modules) =================== - MORE PRODUCTION SUPPORT. We've standardized the Run Information files (.PFF) and provided more options for you to control the way CSPro data applications run. You can now double click on any .PFF file and CSPro will execute it. - BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY. You can open any application created in CSPro 2.2 and run it in CSPro 2.3. However, there are some differences between 2.2 and 2.3 that might affect the way your applications run. You may need to make some small modifications to your applications to make then run properly in 2.3. ============================================================================ [27] What was New in CSPro 2.2 Installation ============ - Support for installing and changing language used for minimum language features. CSPro (all modules) =================== - Minimal language support. Default small words in Tables and Maps are available in Armenian, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, and Ukrainian. The Armenian, Russian, and Ukrainian alphabets are supported. - Toggle (Ctrl+U) between full screen (no tree) or split screen (with tree). - Toolbar buttons to change between the dictionary, data entry forms, batch edit code, and cross tabulations. - Tool tips work throughout CSPro. CSPro (Data Dictionary) ======================= - Save dictionary under a different file name (Save As). CSPro (Data Entry Designer) =========================== - Better reconciliation of CSPro data entry applications with changes in the data dictionary. - Cut, Copy, and Paste objects while designing forms. - Create operator directed skips under field properties. - Specify force out-of-range, upper case alpha, and verify at the individual field level. Specify verification of every nth case. CSPro (Edit Designer) ===================== - Better reconciliation of CSPro edit applications with changes in the data dictionary. Option to specify dictionary or custom order of edits. CSPro (Cross Tabulation) ======================== - Option to show or not show area tables where no tallies occurred. - Apply a universe definition to ALL tables by pressing the "Apply to All Tables" button in the universe dialog box. CSPro (Language) ================ - Tooltips displayed when entering function names in code. Data Entry ========== - Can change the order cases are listed between entry order and case id sort order. - Can use + key on numeric pad to perform operator directed skip. - Can set full screen mode and initialize persistent fields in .PFF file. - Can perform interactive edits in modify mode using F11. - Verification of only selected fields. - Verification of every nth case. Text Viewer =========== - Option to show DOS Line Draw characters (OEM) rather than Windows characters (ANSI). Tabulate Frequencies ==================== - Toggle (Ctrl+T) between labels and names in the dictionary tree. - Select a universe for frequencies. Sort Data ========= - Sort by records within questionnaires. - Sort by questionnaires using non-id items. Export Data =========== - Toggle (Ctrl+T) between labels and names in the dictionary tree. Whatever text (labels or names) that appears in the tree will be the header row in the file. - Export single as well as multiple output files. - Select a specific occurrence of a subitem of a multiply occurring data item. Reformat Data ============= - More information provided about differences between dictionaries. - Can move items from a single record to another single or a multiple record. Compare Data ============ - New Tool to compare two data files and list the differences. ============================================================================ Comments, questions, and suggestions should be addressed to: Methodology & Software Development Branch International Programs U.S. Census Bureau Washington, DC 20233-8860 United States of America Phone: +1 301-763-1451 Fax: +1 301-763-4282 E-mail: CSPro@lists.census.gov Web site: https://www.census.gov/data/software/cspro.html